Object-oriented modeling is an approach to modeling an
application that is used at the beginning of the software life cycle when using
an object-oriented approach to software development.
The software life cycle is typically divided up into stages
going from abstract descriptions of the problem to designs then to code and
testing and finally to deployment. Modeling is done at the beginning of the
process. The reasons to model a system before writing the code are:
Communication. Users typically cannot understand programming
language code. Model diagrams can be more understandable and can allow users to
give developers feedback on the appropriate structure of the system. A key goal
of the Object-Oriented approach is to decrease the "semantic gap"
between the system and the real world, to have the system be constructed using
terminology that is the same as the functions that users perform. Modeling is
an essential tool to facilitate this.
Abstraction. A goal of most software methodologies is to
first address "what" questions and then address "how"
questions. I.e., first determine the functionality the system is to provide
without consideration of implementation constraints and then consider how to
take this abstract description and refine it into an implementable design and
code given constraints such as technology and budget. Modeling enables this by
allowing abstract descriptions of processes and objects that define their
essential structure and behavior.
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